Low Kelvin T5s


New member
Hey Guys,

Do you carry any lower Kelvin T5s? I'm looking for bulbs for my planted freshwater tank. Perhaps something in the 3500-6700 K range? I have a hard time navigating your T5 bulb selections on the site. I'll be driving through Indy this Friday and would love to be able to stop in and pick up some bulbs. I'm also planning to get some 24" T5s for my reef, but I found those rather easily.

Thanks Jeremy. I've been trying to find info on the "ATI Pro Coral", but not had much luck. Do you have any more info on them? Also, I found the Helios 11k on your website and based on the spectral graph it looks like it might be a good option as well. It looks pretty similar to the graph Current gives on their Nova Extreme FW lamp, except that the Helios has a big peak in the yellow range that the Nova does not.

What do you think of pairing a Helios 11k with a Giesemann Midday?

Thanks again!
Hi Kevin,

I won't have the spectral graph on the Pro Coral's until they come in here unfortunately.

The Helios are actually a nice lamp. The only downside to them is that the Helios T5 bulbs are a different length than all the other T5's, so they won't fit in a fixture from anyone other than Helios. If you are using a retrofit kit though you can use them.
I'm doing retrofits so the Helios should work. Is it possible that the "Pro Coral" is actually the "Pro Color"? I've found a little info on a "Pro Color" bulb (most of it in German). Will you likely have this in stock by Friday? If so, I might go with the ATI & Helios combination. I'll only be able to stop by Friday afternoon, so I'll have to go with whatever you have in stock. I will try to pre-order so you guys can have it pulled already, but how would I do this with the ATI?

Thanks again.
Sorry, that should have said Pro Color, NOT Pro Coral. I will most likely have that by Friday, keeping my fingers crossed! :) With the ATI you will not be able to preorder, you'll just have to grab that when you get here since it will most likely be arriving an hour or two before you show up.

I swung by Friday afternoon, but unfortunately the Pro Coral bulbs reportedly did not arrive in the shipment. I picked up two of the Helios 11k bulbs. They look great, but man that's a LOT of light for a tank accustomed to NO fluorescents. I'm going to have to take it slow acclimating everything.

What will the Pro Colors be priced at when they arrive? I'd still like to pick one up on a future trip through Indy. I'll be coming through again in 2 weeks and then every Friday for the next couple weeks.

This was my first visit to the new place and I must say it looks great. I'm moving to IN soon and look forward to many more trips to visit. I think the $20 sps frag section was probably my favorite! :D
Sorry for the late reply. I took off Friday and went on a little mini vacation with my family over the weekend.

The lamps were supposed to be here Friday but it sounds like the trucking company did not make a deivery attempt. They should be here sometime this morning / early afternoon.

We just got them in about an hour ago. Price on the ones you would be looking for should be right at $21.
