Low lighting for frogfish?


New member
I just bought a striated frogfish from the LFS and he currently is in a 10 gallon tank, but I am setting up the 30 gallon for him today. I am just going to have him/her in there with some live rock... What are the lighting requirements for a frogfish because I read that they like lower lighting?

Also, I have a 55 gallon reef which has been established for approx. 8 years and a 75 gallon reef which has been established for 3 years.. I wanted to know if I could take 10 gallons out of each, which would equal 20 gallons, and then make up the final 10 gallons from my RO unit..? Would this allow me to put the frogfish in the 30 gallon tank or do I have to go through the cycling process?:rolleyes: