Low PH - High calcium


New member
As long as I have had this tank, about 1.5 years, it has always had a ph of 7.8 and calcium of 520. Also alk is low but I am out of testing solution so I need to get more. There is no difference today. Its just they way me tank sits. I do not buffer anything but I do a 10% water change every 2-4 weeks. OK sometimes I get lazy about lugging the water.

Should I start buffering ph and alk? If so how often should I be looking at doing it, with testing of course?

Lastly I do not see the growth I expect out of my corals. Could this be to blame or could it be the .1 phosphates. I have put off getting a phosban reactor. My cheato does not seem to absorb this last bit of phosphates. It does keem my nitrates at or near 0.
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Ever since I put a pH monitor on my tank, the pH is usually around 7.8. Your calcium is VERY high, which could theoretically impact the growth of corals negatively, and the way to bring it down is alk and mag balance. I would definitely check your alk, because I bet it's low. I would balance them through not adding more calcium but adding alkalinity, and then once they're at comfortable levels (9dkh/420ish) then you should use something like kalkwasser for topoffs (just use cheapo pickling lime) and it'll both raise your pH, as well as restore in a balanced manner the alk and calcium, as well as help precipitate phosphate.

IMO, I would run the phosban, especially if you're just trying to squeeze that last bit of phosphate out. See if a phosban reactor can starve your cheato...

good luck :)
Oh, and how is your calcium so high without adding anything? You should test your water-change water just to see what you're throwing in your tank. A small cup of 2 part might make a world of difference if it's just incredibly low alk but really high calcium.

What salt are you using for water changes?
Ninjamini.. I don't want to hijack your threads... but ReefWrek which is the cheapo pickling lime that you use?
I buffer and check my water when I do water changes. I also add my Mg when I do water changes as well.

My tank is always arond these params:

pH - 8.15-8.3
Ca - 420ppm
ALK - 12.0 DKH
Mg - 1320ppm

I am not sure how you got the Ca so high, I think at that level the Ca would precipitate out of the water and cause a snow storm. I also use Chaeto and no phosban, I have Carbon inside it instead which I run from time to time. My system does have a Ca Reactor but even then my pH remains table and is not depressed by it. I add plain R/O DI for topoff.

Maybe buffering your water changes would help. But I would try to get it stabilized where you want it first. Maybe like Eric said, use some two part, to get it balanced out.


I also use NSW. I get mine from Coral Reef Farm. I do a small water change every week.

I change 15G out of my 120G total voume system.

I just bump up the ALK and pH to match my tank then I pour the water in. This is also when I add my Mg.
You may also want to check your test kits and make sure they are not giving you false readings. fyi Salifert has been having alot of problems with some of their test kits.

I also use nsw right from the inlet. I will sometimes check the water when I get it just to see what numbers I get. My nsw comes in at calcium usually around 400 and mg around 1350.