Eshopps Magnetic Probe Holder
This heavy-duty acrylic probe/tubing holder from Eshopps is on sale for 15% off until 10/1. But wait... there's more!
We've also got a 20% off coupon code (ESHOPPSPROBE) valid until the end of the month.
So get off your rump and get your sump organized now for only $20.39 (regularly $29.99).
This heavy-duty acrylic probe/tubing holder from Eshopps is on sale for 15% off until 10/1. But wait... there's more!
We've also got a 20% off coupon code (ESHOPPSPROBE) valid until the end of the month.
So get off your rump and get your sump organized now for only $20.39 (regularly $29.99).