

New member
Is anyone looking for a LTA, I've had one for about 2 weeks. He's in great health. I'm just worried about the long term with him. My sand bed is not really deep enough. The current in my tank is so strong that it blows him out of his spot. He eats well, his mouth is shut tight, and he tries to stay in one spot. Please, PM if interest will consider trade or low $ purchase.
I had an LTA that I had to give a better home due to insufficient lighting (thanks again Southernstang for taking him) and I had put a regular clay pot ( like you see in garden centers) in my tank for my clowns to hide in and he crawled in that pot and stayed . I did not have the deep sand bed either and I had tried piling sand around his foot but he kept moving until he found that pot and then he never moved again. You might try the clay pot idea until you can find him a home. It would anchor him nicely . Just thought I would share the idea.
I don't have any pix. He is purple and green. His tenacles are purple with a green stripe down the side. His disk is green. Fully expanded he's about 4" - 6".
Cool, I have frags <sps & gsp> I can trade or PM or email me with a price. I am off today if you want to swing by with it.
