Macro Flashes


Whistler's Mother
Does anyone on here use a macro flash with their camera? I'm talking about the type that mount on to the front of the lens.

My local camera shop is having a 20% off all flashes sale, and I was looking at getting either the Promaster Digital Macro Flash or the Canon one.

I was wondering, though, how do they do with taking photos through the glass of tanks. I got thinking that it would only be practical as long as the lens is right up against the tank, otherwise you would end up with relfection.

I'd really like a flash for my Rebel XTi, and the girl said the macro flash would be great since they aren't as bright.
Brightness isn't what gives you glare. It's the angle from the flash to the glass to the lens. A less bright flash gives you a glare that isn't burnt out by quite as much. :) I have the Canon twin light. I love it. You can point the flashes away from the from of the lens by 20-30 degrees, so glare is less of a problem than you'd think. Plus, you can unmount them from the bracket at a touch of a button and that way point them any way you'd like.

They also have focusing lamps that are worth the price of admission if you get up past 1x.