Macro Harvesting


New member
Okay this is another Gracilaria thread. I really need some help, but I have read the previous threads on it, and have additional questions on top of it. I have never tried to grow macro, only used it to scrub. Now I want to grow it for my tangs however.

Anyways my setup is similar to the others. A 10g tank with a heater, a maxijet 400, a 65w LOA light and since it is in my phyto room it has behind it dual 40w bulbs behind it, shining into the back of the tank. I currently have plant fuel from Florida aquafarms, but realized i should be using plant fuel too(which is now micro-grow). So I will be supplying fertilizer also to my tank, I hope it is enough because I know they require a lot of nutrients, but im not sure what a lot is.

I purchased red, brown, and green gracilaria from Inland Aquatics and got basically a handful of each. I have had it for about a week seeing no growth, and the tips are actually turning white/clear. Now to my questions.

1. I thought that this macro algae would anchor itself to a rock, I guess I was wrong because I tied it down with rubber bands to a rock and it hasnt rooted at all. I also noticed that on here you guys said I should be using a tumbling motion, therefore they wouldnt be anchored. So should I un rubberband these guys and let them just free float around the tank? Or if they should be rooted how do I get them to root? I know if they are supposed to be rooted, or free floating and they arent, they wont grow....

2. My lighting, Could that be to strong and that is why I dont notice any growth, and actually are having whitening? If so how should I acclimate them?

3. I know that there needs to be lots of nutrients, iron, phosphate, nitrates etc. Should the nitrate and phosphate be detectable in the water if I test? I am wondering If i should dose more or less of the fertlizer than is recomended.

4. Is there anything I should do that I havent brought up a question about to get this stuff to grow? I have some in my sump, but I really want to use chaetmorpha as my scrubber since it grows faster.

Thanks for the help guys, I appreciate it!
How sad, only 7 views.
Anyways as an update I poured some more microgrow(f2) in last night. Today there is a ton of brown algae all over the glass. Its even growing on he green gracilaria. I have also noticed that it is whitening up more. I wonder if it is just to much lighting or the fact that i have them tied down onto the rocks. There is definantly enuf fertilizer in there if i got that huge bloom. This is sort of a bummer, I thought it would grow much better than it is. Maybe there is a lag period like with phyto.
Any help would be appreciated.
growing macros

growing macros

Hello, to add some info to your questions;

First, don't try so hard. When the Gracilaria settles in and becomes acclimated to your parameters, it will begin to grow.

If the tank you are trying to grow the macros in is part of your reef or fish system, then stop adding stuff to it. Even if it's not, stop adding stuff. Use water from your main system from water changes. There will be plenty of nutrients from that water to maintain the algae.

Lighting is important. I have had success with 24/7 halogen with natural sunlight.

The Gracilaria does "go sexual" so it will start growing from new plants around the aquarium. I have had new little plants "start" on the walls of the tank and the power head and lift tubes etc..

To sum it up; it takes time, and very little effort. So if your trying hard and want quick results, you may want to continue to buy it or trade for it. Just find the most practical sources for it.
Should I let it float around and take it off the rocks cause it doesnt seem like it is going to root at all.

Anyone else have good info? Id appreciate it.
letting it float

letting it float

Does the type of gracilaria you have actually float? Usually it is nuetrally buoyant. It really is just a matter of where you want it asthetically. Just make sure it is totally submerged. It dries out quite rapidly.
No it doesnt float to the top, But i meant should i let it just bounce around in the tank? And no it is not hooked up to my aquarium in any way its in a seperate tank. I did fill it up with tank water change water too.
Only bad thing about letting it float around is some of it gets stuck in the PH then.
You can definately weigh it down or keep it from moving somehow. Have some patience, it will grow and spread. don't remove it very quickly if you notice it appear to die. It is probably "breeding".