Macro shots to share...


New member
Here's a macro of my Aussie Acan


Macro of two different Blasto Merleti





My favorite Ricordeas



La Yuma



Man those are awesome shots!!!!!
If you ever frag any of the corals in the first 3 pictures...I am ready to buy asap.
What camera and lense did you use?
Believe it or not... my camera is a pocket size Sony Cybershot DSC-W90. It does come with a Carl Zeiss lens though...:)


REDDAWG43... I'm working on obtaining a mother Aussie Acan colony in red... actually it's a grandmother colony... around 100 heads that measures a whopping 9" long by 7" wide!

I'll know by Saturday if the deal goes through! It will definitely be the centerpiece of my reef.

I might frag it if it doesn't fit in my tank... :lmao:
Very nice shots! I especially like the mushroom pics, even though I hate mushrooms. The color contrast of the spots really jump out. And the first Yuma picture is really awesome as well. Very nice pics. Did you use a tripod for those?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11365738#post11365738 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ReefWreak
Very nice shots! I especially like the mushroom pics, even though I hate mushrooms. The color contrast of the spots really jump out. And the first Yuma picture is really awesome as well. Very nice pics. Did you use a tripod for those?


No tripod... just my steady hands... lol

You gave me an idea though... the camera does have a tripod mount... I'll have to stop by and pick one up.
If you mount with a tripod, it really opens doors as to how ou can get the picture to look. You can have the lens stay open longer to capture more light and take brighter pictures without having to sacrifice with blur. At least I think you can on some/most p&s cams.
Awesome pics. Definitely try a tripod, then use the timer so your hands are off the camera when it takes the shot. Steady hands, dude. What are you, a surgeon? :D

Those are really nice pictures. Very impressive that they were taken with a steady hand. Try submitting some to the calendar that NYVP was trying to get together. He started a thread on it.
well this proofs my point-its not the camera but the user.

I have a super duper slr and have never ever taken pics like that.
Also have never ever read the manual LMAO
jfk- those shots are awesome. i have a sony cybershot, and my pics suck. what settings were you using? tank lighting? distance from tank? teach me, oh great cybershot master.....
Thanks everyone... :thumbsup:

Here's a few more....

I'm at work so I can't get into detail now... but I will post some tips and settings later tonight.





<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11368032#post11368032 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by isistius
jfk- those shots are awesome. i have a sony cybershot, and my pics suck. what settings were you using? tank lighting? distance from tank? teach me, oh great cybershot master.....

Ok... first thing you have to do is shoot in ISO mode, this will take shots utilizing your tank's ambient light and it won't use the flash. There should be enough light in your tank to stay between ISO100 and ISO400. This should keep your exposures relatively short. If you have just actinics going, you might go over ISO400, and then that's when the tripod comes in handy. The flash should not be needed for aquarium shots, and your room lights should be turned off.

I always use the 8 Megapixel setting for the highest resolution.

Go into menu and adjust brightness and darkness utilizing the EV setting... this gives you better control and sharper images than changing it later in photoshop etc.

The other important setting is WB or white balance... this has settings for sunny, cloudy, fluorescent and incandescent lighting. This setting adjusts the color balance of you photos from blues to reds and yellows.

Finally... make sure your macro setting is turned on... that's it!

Oh yeah... one more thing... practice! :beer:
i cannot adjust both the iso and the white balance in the same "mode setting". i went through each one individually. idk???
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11372202#post11372202 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by isistius
ok. but what do you have the "mode setting" on? m, p, moon, beach...etc?

Mode... I'm assuming you mean the wheel that turns... should be in ISO... it has a little black triangle... see pic

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11372263#post11372263 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by isistius
i cannot adjust both the iso and the white balance in the same "mode setting". i went through each one individually. idk???

You need to be in ISO mode, then you hit menu and you should see

1. Image size

2. Oev

3. WB auto

4. steady shot

5. setup

That's another cool feature that this camera has... STEADY SHOT!

No wonder my pics come out so good... and I thought it was my rock steady hands... :lol:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11372303#post11372303 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by isistius
damn. mine doesn't have that setting. i guess cause it's an older model. dsc-w1 5.1 mp. damn damn damn

That's too bad... Sony has really hit a home run with this new model... it gives you a lot of control of your shot in a ciggarette pack size camera.

I paid $300 when it first came out... it's around $200 now.

I can highly reccomend it to anyone... :thumbsup: