macroalgae for seahorse tank.....


New member
I am setting up 46gallon seahorse tank. Can anyone reccomend what type of macroalgae should my tank have. i will be using thick sand bed w/live rock (as well as PS). Also, what is best lighting to use. Want to stay away from MH. Appreciate any info. Thanks.
Hey ewa2457,


If macroalgae is the only thing you are growing, a couple NO fluorescent bulbs the width of the tank would be sufficient I think. VHO would get you increased growth of the macro, though. I would strive for a variety avoiding toxic caulerpas likely to go sexual. Check out and both have a lot of marine algae and plants that would give the seahorses a fun hangout. Kelp, Codium, Caulerpa paspaliodes, and Shaving Brush would probably be good choices.

Thanks for the info. New to the seahorse set-up. Have been researching forever. Are you suggesting to stay completely away from caulerpas(like the grape) all together or just keep them to a minimum? Thanks again.

I never had any problems with any type of caulerpa until recently some C. serrulata I had in my 45 gallon display tank went sexual (turned white and fell apart in a matter of hours releasing gametes and toxins into the water). I would say keep individual caulerpa "plants" small if you choose to use them. It seems sea horses can be sensitive so I would hate for you to have caulerpa go sexual and kill them. As an aside, I have never had grape caulerpa go sexual in any of my tanks and caulerpa prolifera only went sexual in a tank of mine after I heavily pruned it and disturbed it. I have heard C. paspaloides is a more advanced caulerpa and has to be pretty big before it will go sexual. Do you know what kind of filtration you will use on this tank?

Will use LR and deep(3-4") sand bed. Will use new AquaC remora Pro PS and an Eheim 2215 cannister filter. Would like to have one small power head for circulation thru some rocks. Still looking at photos of other posted set-up photos for layout ideas. Will also have some live gorgonians, polyp rock, mushrooms. Thanks again
Now, I am nothing but an amatuer, but my experience with Grape Caulerpa may give you a little insight.
Terrestrial plants generally take their sexual cues from photoperiod. Pot growers know this. When the lighting period gets shorter, the plants enter a reproductive stage, and begin to flower.
I had a lot of problems in my refugium, which was on an opposite photoperiod from my main tank. It would go sexual, die off, then re-appear. When I turned my refugium lighting on to 24/7, The Caulerpa got great growth and has never disappeared or gone sexual.
So keep in mind with the Caulerpas that certain lighting regimens may mess you up. This is from my own experience, but I have heard the same from other reefers on this board.
I am buying plants for my Seahorse tank tomorrow, please feel free to contact with any questions you may have, as I'm about a week ahead of the game than you. I don't know much, but I am trying at this very moment.
Thanks. Looks like a direction that I will follow for my tank. Question for you...does it matter how much macro you have in the tank or is it really based on preference of tank design? Obviously, one factor would be the amount of holds needed for quantity of seahorses. But is there such a thing as too much or too many.