Macrodactyla doreensis


Premium Member
I just got this Tuesday and it seems to be happy and settling in well. My clownfish is having nothing to do with it though. I'm not exactly sure of the fishs species but I think it's a ocellaris. Will it accept the anemonoe in time:confused:

What clownfish is a good choice for the anemone?
It is a possibility as far as hosting, so it is hard to say. At the moment, the only clowns that I can remember that naturally host M. doreensis are A. perideraion and A. clarkii.
I made the mistake of not putting a sponge filter over the intake of a maxijet powerhead and my anemone got caught up in it. I managed to free it and it's doing better but some of the tenticles got chopped off and pinched. Will they grow back to be full, inflated looking?
If the tentacles were damaged, there isn't much ofa problem, as they are easily regenerated. It is columnar damage you are concerned with.
How much flow do these kind like? I have a maxijet 600(160 gph) in a 30 gal fuge. It's probably like a 20g tank beacuse it has baffles. The anemone is backed up in a corner. Is that too much flow. Should I just not use a powerhead? This is my first anem. so I'm learning
We I've taken out almost all of the algae. It has a 4" sand bed so it's suited for an anemone. 30g. You think just the flow from the water movement itself would be suitable?
What kind of lighting do you have in the fuge?

All my anemones are either 400W SE MH or VHO lighting. My Doreensis sits between 2 400W lights in a 180 tank.

Best of luck,
