Magnafying device?


New member
So Im sure others have wanted to do the same thing. I want to get a closer look at some of my

I just got a digital SLR, and it takes some swwet pics, but I dont have a macro lense yet and they are quite $$$. So I was wondering if anyone uses something else to view their corals closer?

Ive tried my zoom lense and there no way with that. and binoculars wouldent work. They are for loking far away. not close up.

Any Ideas?
I bought a folding magnifying glass at Brookstone that I really like. It is rectangular, and easy to look into for a long period of time. You can take photos through a magnifying glass as well I believe.
I use a magnifying glass that I keep on the rim of the tank and I also use a jewelers "Loupe", great for copepods.
Thanks. Good ideas. Paul. Did you read my question about pods?
I posted it in this forum about 20 minutes ago.

Any thought would be great.