magnavore 6 er algae magnet question?


has any one used this on a 1" thick acrylic aquarium? i really don't want to spend 199.99 on the mag 8 if the six will do the job. the mag 6 is only 119.99 so if anyone has tried this on a 1" thick aq with success let me know plz...
Hhere's my 2 cents:

I called up Algae Free to ask them about their 4ER for my 215 gallon with 1/2 inch thick glass and their tech person said that he would actually recommend I use the 2ER instead because according to him, they rate their magnets very very conservatively and that the 4ER would take a considerable amount of effort to move on a 1/2 inch thick tank and turning it around corners in the tank would be a pain. His recommendation was to use the 2ER because its easier to handle and move around corners and has the same abrasive properties as the 4ER.
I'm using the Great White on my 1" acrylic and it works quite well. I would not say that it is "effortless" to move it around, but I think the amount of effort needed seems about right.

I wrap the outer magnet in a cloth diaper, moistened with brillianize in order to minimize the risk of any outside scratches. So far, this has worked flawlessly for nearly a year.

My only negative experience was with a package of acrylic replacement pads. Apparently, there were some packs of replacement material that do NOT work properly. You can tell the bad stuff because the pad is quite soft compared to the better pad which feels more abrasive.

The softer defective pads stick to the inner surface and you'll pull the magnets apart as you slide.

Algae-Free sent me a replacement right away as soon as they realized what I had.
Untamed 12

Can you post a picture of the Great White. Or is this just the name for a Magnavore for identification purposes?? I like your idea about using Brillanze on a soft diaper for the exterior part of the tank. Thanks
I had the 8 on my 3/4 inch acrylic and it scratched the acrylic. Small scratched center int the middle of the magnet and no matter what I did, multiple pads / changed pads, it continued. Switched to the 6 and it works scratching, easier to slide and gets the job done.
well i got the magnavore 6 hope it works it should untamed i like ur idea with the brillanize im going to put some micro fiber on the outside...