Magnet Holders and Vibration


New member
Roger -

I installed my Turbelle 7200 pump and controller this weekend. This thing rocks! My tank seems instantly happier with this current. Good instructions too. :)

ONe question, I've had to rig my rail mount with suction cups and bracket from a MaxiJet 1200 pump to fit on my American tank. I've noticed that at low settings, the pumps vibrates and makes a little bit of noise. Do the magnet holders have any rubber on them to reduce noise and vibration or do I need to order the optional triangular dampener?

Thanks in advance,

Don't get the dampner, neat idea but very big, it consists of two brackets with silicon tubing between them filled with silicon sealer. In a couple weeks the noise will be greatly reduced, their is a part wear in time. The magnet holders have rubber feet they are a 3M squishy pad thing, i think they use them on everything from monitors to alarm clocks as feet.
Thanks for the tip Roger. I look forward to magnet holders, currently on a waiting list for the small ones. I appreciate the quick response!