makin room---lps colonies for sale

I want the acan all the way to the left and the one all the way to the right.
Pm me with your location....I could go by this weekend for pick up.
updated pics...

subechinata #2:

subechinata #1(2 diff views of same coral)


blasto merletti #2-

blasto merletti #1-

indo acan 3-

indo acan 2-

indo acan 1-

this picture shows another larger colony to the right of the main patch.....i think i wanna keep the largest of them all (the one jessp inquired about) however i may part with the rest for the right price, originally was only going to sell the 3 smaller ones....priced at 60, 60, and 70 for the largest of the 3 smaller ones
i also have some other items that i havent posted yet, im workin on an separate thread w/ appropriate prices for them...i have some true safecracker zoos, le tyree idaho grape monti frags, pokerstar monti frags (currently browned out due to shading), garf bonsai frags, ora tort frags, blue tipped ora both a HUGE colony and smaller frags are available.... also have some carribean sancthithome mushrooms and all red yumas for the shroom lovers.....keep an eye out for a new thread soon! :)

And are you considering trading? sad to say I've now got most of what you've got on that list, but I'd be interested in perhaps the ORA blue tipped (is it a stag? if it is I might have it already :p ) and might be interested in the idaho grape pending pictures. As far as the poker star, I've got to see the next time I'm home whether the piece I have is a rainbow or pokerstar.

are you interested in any trades?
I'm in palm beach gardens....reefwreak i sent pm, but here is a pic of the idaho grape (also shows the ora tort to the left of it)

and here is a pic of the ora stag its really brown in my tank...the whole huge colony is available along with the unknown acro colony to the right...i just literally dont have room for them anymore....
subechinata's are each $70

Blasto Merletti Colony #1 (pictured 2nd)- $70

Blasto Merletti Colony #2 (pictured first)- $55

i will only accept cash, no personal checks, so to clarify! thanks for looking!
update: No more xenia ...finally got it all out of my system and traded it all to a LFS. ....One last bump for the LPS colonies before other arrangements are made for them....also have 3 chalices im looking to find new homes is a red/magenta xxl colony..., one is a pink and green veined small colony, and the 3rd is a small pink with purple rim frag, pictures and prices to come in the next few days.

LPS still available: blasto merletti colony 1, 3 indo acan lord colonies, 2 subechinata colonies.....