Malaysian Reef Aquarium ( 22H to 190H )


New member
hi everybody ;D

I started this tank on september 5th, 3 weeks plus ago.

added live rock and sand and let the water run ( seeded with LR from existing tank ) and transferred everything over after 2 weeks

Thankfully there were no casualties 8)

My tank dimensions are a little different from everyone else's here as i notice most tanks here are rather long than tall. I decided on a higher tank due to space constrains and

for a different rock scaping . i have 190 pounds of live rock and 2 inches of coral sand.

tank dimensions are 60 inch x 24 inch x 30 inch
and sump 48 inch x 18 inch x 16 inch

Tank equipments :
Light fixture and ballast are DIY, 2 x 250 w BLV 20000k MH and 2 x 54 w T5HO ( giesemann pure actinic and actinic plus )
Skimmer is also DIY using ehiem 3000 as the pump

The tank has 3 sources of circulation
1: 1320 GPH return pump ( ehiem 5000)
2 :koralia 4 powerhead ( 1200GPH )
3. chiller return ( 800GPH )

temperature control : 1/3 JP JBJ artica 250

Fish list
pair of maroons
pair of saddlebacks
pair of clarkkis
purple stripe pseudochromis
high fin fairy wrasse
blue damsel
azure damsel
humbug damsel
bicolor blenny
sailfin blenny
yellow tang
powder brown tang

16 fishes in total, the last fish i'm gonna add is a mandarin months later ;D

Invert list
skunk cleaner shrimp
fire shrimp
2 astreas
2 turbos
formia starfish
blue legged hermit x 1
countless baby snails and slugs xD
i have various softies and few LPS, gonna venture into more stony corals after the tank stabilises abit more , having a diatom bloom now :cry:

okay now pictures !


My old tank


tank makers doing their stuff ::) you can see my old tank on the right, and dad's koi tank ;D


after adding sand


aluminium base that i love xD


sump shot, will post pic of skimmer in action tomorrow ;D




From left


From right


Right moutain
Last edited:

Green blastos


Tank + cabinet


Open brain and yumas


Last but not least, my first clownfish and my fav fish, Queen B!
Nice Tank, the rocks looks bit unstable though...if they are epoxs together, then should be good.
yheartsp, nice tank you got there. I'm your fellow contrymen here.. heheh....

Mind PM'ing me where you bought the tank?