

New member
Can mangroves be planted in sand, or do they need MUD? Also, can inverts be put in the same tank as the mangroves, such as snails, shrimp, conchs, etc?
They grow in sand, rocks, and just the water Some substrate though allows them to anchor themselves

And yes to the inverts!
cool, thanks. I love the look of mangroves, I am just trying to figure out where to put them, as i am limited on space.
I have mangrove in the sump, I make them float with stereofoam they have been in the sump for about 9 months the roots are unbielievable gorgeous, and last week I realized that there are small snails,mini starfish,and copepods,
beside that, they do a good job cleaning the water,
I reduced water change by half,
so you do not have them rooted into the substrate. If I wanted to avoid the look of styrofoam, is there something else I could use? is floating them advantageous over planting them within the substrate.
IF YOU WANT in the tank you can put them the way they are
is up to you, but if you float them the roots will grow longer ,trying to reach the bottom, again I have mine in the sump
I think this way is more advantageous, couse water flows through the roots, the other way the food/waste has to deposit at the bottom, this is my personal thinking ( and I might be wrong ) but I like the idea
it makes sense to me. I was going to do a dedicated tank for the mangroves. Am I right in saying that the bottom third can be submerged in water? About how tall are the mangroves on average? I guess a better question, what water depth should be used for them?
so 12 to 16 inches would make the bottom third 4-6 inches of water, if the trees are planted? I am just trying to plan this all out, thanks for your help.
ur welcome

Like they say, da trees may not be the best for nutrient export, but the sure look COOL!
yeah, I love the way that they look. I am also planning another fuge with macro and a DSB. Then part of my sump will most likely have a bunch of LR and I will be running an Aqua C, all in all a bit overkill, but the fuge and mangroves just look too cool to pass by.
hey quack, if you have any pics of your mangrove setup, I would love to see them. again, thanks for all your help
I keep my mangroves in plastic flower pots filled with argonite and they seem to like it. The roots grow quickly compared to the upper part of the plant. Since they dont get their nutrients from the sand, you can put a few per pot. The pots allow you to move them around without disturbing the plant at all.

If you are going to have a dedicated tank for mangroves keep an eye on your magnesium levels(especially if this tank is connected to your reef). Mangroves will suck it up. :)
HI guys!
Jason! my mangroves are directly in the sump,and magnesium its stable, magnesium is used by coralline algae,and hard corals,
you should keep one eye on iron, I put 5ml every week, no more than that,iron is a good plant fertilizer/feeder,