Mantis 4 Sale


In Memoriam
I have a large peacock mantis i would like to get rid of. He is great and eating but is making a mess in my fuge (have mud). Ill take 50 for him. He is quite large aswell. If anyone is interested im in miami and ill be happy to show him off in person.
Give pat at reef life a call, as I remember he prided himself on his peacock mantis'... he may give you some credit for it.
Can a peacock mantis break the glass on a nanocube? I would love to take him, but don't have a suitable tank except my nano reef at work. Which i know a peacock would mess up, but its worth it.
he really doesnt hit as hard as people think. For example it take several hits in the same spot to break a hermit shell so i dont think he can break a nanocube.
If you will ship him to central florida Ill take him no problem, Ground shipping will get him here in one day UPS. drop me a note and let me know