Mantis and another fish?


New member
My Spotted Hawk is really becoming a menace to my 72g tank. Do you think if he was in there before my mantis the mantis would leave him alone? Or maybe he would try to eat the mantis when i put it in? or the mantis would go after him? Please help me out. Thanks

i would say that unless it's a really small mantis, the mantis would probably eat the hawk....i know my peacock destroys anything i put in the tank in a matter of seconds
Well, i dont have my mantis yet, but i was also wondering if the hawk would go for the mantis. my hawk is fairly mean to all inverts. He ate my cleaner shrimp and my coral banded shrimp( after he molted because he was vulnerable) Do you think there would be a chance that he would attack the mantis?
Alright Thanks for the help. I added in a green chromis from my 72g because he looked like he was scared ****less because of the larger domino's in the tank. I don't think ill take the risk of the hawkfish
Well today I bought 10 blue leg hermits and 4 turbo snails and one more green chromis and added them into my 20g. so whatever happens to them happens. But still I would like to know some contenders for the combatability for a mantis.
I think I've posted this multitudes of times, but I don't mind repeating myself!!!
I keep a blue devil damsel in with my mantis
they get along fine. the damsel will even go as far as to steal food, and they don't have problems.

I think it all depends on the mantis, My mantis also leaves snails alone unless I turn them over in front of him. He's to lazy to pick them off of the glass, I guess.... and theres still a hermit in with him, he just won't eat the damn thing!!!
So, if you don't mind risking one or the other, go for it. I should also mention that the two of mine are about the same size, so neither one is a food item for the other, and they are always fed. noone starves in my house :)