Mantis and Lights


New member
Well here is a dumb question. Do Mantis shrimps need strong lights? Or do they even care about lighting.

Also saw my first mantis today at atlantis aquarium in fremont.

Pretty white and translucent with brown and white lines. About 4". Pretty big. He had some cracks on his carpace and a small hole. Didn't look in very good shape tho. It was cool... he was all cocked and ready to fight.....

I do not have a mantis but from what I have heard mantis shrimps don't require light. I think that it is best to have a low lit tank though. Again I'm not an expert.
It depends on the species and how good a burrow or cavity they have. Speceis such as Gonodactylus smithii, G. platysoma and Lysiosquillina maculata live in the tropical intertidal where it is very, very bright. They can tolerate strong illumination needed for shallow water corals and tridacna clams. However, they need a dark cavity or burrow. Without it, they can start to grow algae on there cuticle. Species such as Odontodactylus scyllarus and Neogonodactylus wennerae live from 5 to 20 meters down where it is a bit darker and more blue. Still, they can handle standard aquarium lighting (if they have a cavity or burrow). Species that live even deeper such as Hemisquilla californiensis, Echinosquilla guerini, and Odontodactylus brevirostris do best with no illumination or relatively blue, dim lighting. Again, a dark cavity is key.

Cool. I am picking up a 12 Gallon Truvu Hex, and he sold his lights. I have a truvu light set (25 watts 6000k 50/50) that i am going to put on it. I have also got some 1.5 " PVC and some Elbows to create a nice Tunnel system for the Mantis.... Whenever I get one!! LOL

Thanks for you help guys!!



Yeah I almost missed him as well.. but there he was in the back at the most front right little holding container......

a twelve hex is expensive sh. are you sure you dont want a simple eclipse( 35 bucks) or something for just a mantis? I mean... Rock is already expensive and all. Unless you want multiple mantis shrimps but even then, you gotta get the right type of mantis shrimps. IMO anyway, ppl who have a mantis tank (not research purposes like ourselves) want something nice and compact. But if you do get a hex, go reef man, might be kinda cool to have this gorgeous reef and know theres a totally dangerous creature in it.... like the garden of eden or something you know?
Ahh but i am paying 45 for for the 12 gallon truvu hex. Got a smoking deal from the guy (mostly cuz there are no lights.. but i already got one!!) comes with a hood as well.

Yeah I am thinking of doing that. However the rock costs more than the tank!!!!

I am still thinking of getting a nice good deep argonite/rubble bed and putting that PVC caves in. Will probably put a couple in it.

I do want to get some L/R tho. I would like to put some corals/better lighting down the road!!

Now just to get rid of my 25 gallon glass freshwater tank!!

