mantis in s.f. bay area


New member
hello, i work in a pet store in south san jose called evergreen pets. i co-run the fish room here and have convinced the owner to let me order some mantis. they just arrived and im not sure as to the species but i can give you a brief discription.
there are four of them, all between 3-4 inches, two are a dark green color with some red on the legs, the other two have a similar pattern but a slightly different color. these two look to be G. Platysoma, but im no expert. all of them are smashers.

im selling them for about 20 bucks each, but if anyone from this board wants them and lives in the area, ill give them to you for 10. but, you got to come into the store when im on shift. otherwise we'd have to work out a meeting. i work on sundays from 10-6:30 and fridays from 5-8:30. ill give directions to anyone who wants to come in. our store's selection isnt all that great, but hopefully, i think i can convince my boss to give me some more control over the fish room so that i can start carrying some cooler things.

also, im not even going to consider shipping so this is apick up only offer, please dont flood this post with requests from new york or arizona unless your willing to drive over here yourself.

i plan on trying to keep mantis in stock on a regular basis so if you live in this area, go ahead and p.m. me once in a while to see if i have anything new in if i havent already posted about it.
I am setting up a mantis hotel right now(segmented 55 gallon, perhaps 7 or 8 'rooms'), only having the one 6 gallon with the G. Viridis in it.
I will/would be very interested when I get more tanks set up.
ok, anyone who wants them: the store is located at 1640 capitol expressway, my schedual is: tuesdays and fridays, 5-8:00 and sundays from 10-6:00, the number for the store is 408-274-2555, ask for "Billy". let me know if you want one because i plan on taking one myself and it may be the one youve been looking for.
nozzle said:
WTf a mantis hotel mantis' r jus pains that wen they get big enuf destroy ure tank.

Firstly, please speak in (a) English (since, alas, I speak no other languages), and (b) complete sentences,thanks.
Secondly, while I am fully aware that for many Aquariumists a Mantis Shrimp is a horrible animal to have in one's tank (due to their proclivity for eating your other animals), many of us appreciate them for the interesting animals that they are.
Some would think it insane for a person to want a piranha, or a shark, or a pet rattlesnake, for that matter.
Now, to clear up a few points for you.
I have a very strong acrylic tank for said Mantis Hotel, one that will not be destroyed by the Stomatopods to be housed there. Other than the one Odontodactylus Scallarus that I plan to house, the other mantis are either (a) very small, or (b) spearers, and thus no danger to a tank at all (lacking the smashing dactyls).

I am also setting up a tank that will be mantis free for more 'normal' pets, a tank in which I want no mantis (so I am not just a crazed keeper of these Sea devils).
Lastly, it is a shame that you see Stomatopods as nothing but a nusiance (or worse, a scourge of the reef), since they are truly one of the more fascinating creatures that you can observe in an aquarium.

ok guys, i still have three available, two green, one light gray and beige. let me know if your interested. also, i might have three more coming in next week.
Crap, I forgot about this thread when I was driving through there on the way home from Lompoc.
Any chance of you all shipping?
Crap, I forgot about this thread when I was driving through there on the way home from Lompoc.
Any chance of you all shipping?
Im afraid not, sorry you missed us on your way through, maybe next time. Dont worry though, I plan on having mantis in on a regular basis.