:fish2: May new 90 gallon tank just finished cycling. Pretty much just tank cleaners and snail and some sally light foot crab. A few days ago i kept hearing this snapping/ clicking sound on and off and could not figure where it was comming from or what. However was comming from my tank. Anyway today noticed one of sally light foot crab was DEAD and one of my gobie was also missing since he usually make himself seen. Took a long look at my tank and noticed some movement and there he was: A mantis. A real sneaky fellow. Found a picture and determine that this was him from the little i saw of this extremely fast fellow.I tracked him for about a hour and noticed him trying to tear into my live rock he was previously burrowing under a rock. Anyway seen him tear into a rock ripping it apart was noticed that this was the sond of the snapping sound. His ripping action seen to generate this snapping/clicking sound.
In short I need to get RID of this Mantis Fast. This guy is unwelcome. He has declared feast fest on my other tank mates. Suggestion appreciated.:fish2:
In short I need to get RID of this Mantis Fast. This guy is unwelcome. He has declared feast fest on my other tank mates. Suggestion appreciated.:fish2: