Manual for Programming Logic?


New member
Is there a manual for the programming logic for the Profilux II? I've looked at a couple of manuals, but haven't found one that deals with the programming logic. I'm interested in learning its capabilities.
Well, here are some things I'd like to know whether I can accomplish or not:

1. When simulating thunderstorms with the Simu-L stick, is it possible to have the metal halide (which is what I use to light my tank) turn off?

2. I'd like to switch modes for what kind of flow my Tunzes do under the following conditions: Thunderstorms, night/day, and alternating throughout the day.

3. Turn off the metal halide when the temp gets too high, but have it so that it takes at least an hour before they turn on again.
1. When simulating thunderstorms with the Simu-L stick, is it possible to have the metal halide (which is what I use to light my tank) turn off?
This is not yet available, but has been discussed in the past and might show in future release

2. I'd like to switch modes for what kind of flow my Tunzes do under the following conditions: Thunderstorms, night/day, and alternating throughout the day.
That is already under the pumps menu, and also can be turned off for the feeding pause.

3. Turn off the metal halide when the temp gets too high, but have it so that it takes at least an hour before they turn on again.
That can already been under the illumination menu.
Do you guys have a manual to learn about programmable logic?

Maybe some examples of what it is capable of doing? I learn much faster when I can look at a few examples.
Well.... Here is one example:

You can choose what kind of water to be used for the evaporation replacement.
PH to low = Limewater
Salt to low = Saturated salt water
Ph and Salt ok = RO/DI water

another is my skimmer will only start 3 hours after the feeding pause. So that way all my additive won't be removed from the tank

My uv is only and can only be active of the pumps are on.