March TOTM Crashes!


In Memoriam
I have just been informed the March TOTM (snipersps) of Hugo Zuniga,
has crashed due to a power outage (2 days) in Los Angeles. If anyone
saw his tank in person, they would know it was spectacular! One of the
world's best SPS tanks, now gone! Dennis (fish2223)
I really really feel horrible. THis tank looked absolutely inspiring and iconoclastic.

This tank crash really is going to push me to modify my home with a natural gas generator to power my whole house.

So so devastatingly sad
thats terrible news. I wish him th ebest trying to sort out whats remaining
I often wonder why many people invest thousands in their their reef tanks, and dont have backup generators.
I'd be inclined to do that too.

I've been curious about small solar kits as well. I know that there are pond pump systems that run on their own solar panel.

As it is now, my nano tank here at work has its skimmer (in the winter, a heater too) on a battery backup to maintain water flow and some level of filtration during an outage. I don't think i can get a full 2 days out of it though.