Marco's arch enemy

I don't have "fancy" gadgets ....

I have:

1. Aqua Controller
2. Protein Skimmer
3. mechanical filter (carbon/de*nitrate/phosphate remover)
4. Auto Topoff

The aqua Controller is about the only fancy item on this list ... it controlls my Lights, and Chiller. I don't have anything to controll PH, otherwise it could so that as well.

I'm an IT guy .. i like data .. i like being able to look back & see the status from 3 hours ago ... witht he AquaController i can - with a digital/analog thermometer you can't ... i also like being able to view the tanks PH/Temp/Status from remote ... and turn lights off if needed.

beside that ... the AquaController controlls a few random X10 devices around the house ... water heater, lights etc..etc..

There is nothing wrong with doing it the LOW TECH approach - more power to you if you can make it work for you. If analog dial timers work for you - then thats great. You don't hurt my feeling with it ... and i sure don't think any less of you, or your tank setup.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9147168#post9147168 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by wiszmaster
I don't have "fancy" gadgets ....

I have:

1. Aqua Controller
2. Protein Skimmer
3. mechanical filter (carbon/de*nitrate/phosphate remover)
4. Auto Topoff

The aqua Controller is about the only fancy item on this list ... it controlls my Lights, and Chiller. I don't have anything to controll PH, otherwise it could so that as well.

I'm an IT guy .. i like data .. i like being able to look back & see the status from 3 hours ago ... witht he AquaController i can - with a digital/analog thermometer you can't ... i also like being able to view the tanks PH/Temp/Status from remote ... and turn lights off if needed.

beside that ... the AquaController controlls a few random X10 devices around the house ... water heater, lights etc..etc..

There is nothing wrong with doing it the LOW TECH approach - more power to you if you can make it work for you. If analog dial timers work for you - then thats great. You don't hurt my feeling with it ... and i sure don't think any less of you, or your tank setup.

LOL just bustin yo balls!