New member
A little more than a month ago, I picked up a decent sized mixed zoa covered rock. The rock was covered top and bottom with polyps and I had to make a decision as to which side I wanted facing up. The polyps on the bottom got unhappy and sloughed off. The clean up crew and filtration handled the unhappiness really well, however over the past few days after moving some rockwork around I noticed something interesting. Apparently some(roughly half a dozen) of the polyps must have found little crevices that got enough flow and light to keep them more than just alive, but doing great.... growing and sprouting new polyps. So, just like little weeds I have little zoa colonies popping up all over. Most of them landed on small pieced of rubble, or gravel and have been set to placed on the frag rack to grow out. Once they get really established on their rocks, they will be looking for new homes.
Pics to come when they stop being unhappy about getting moved.
Pics to come when they stop being unhappy about getting moved.