Marine Depot Deals

Hi Everyone!

Here are some links to some pretty amazing deals here at Marine Depot! :dance:

LED Aquarium Lights and Customer Favorites

How to Setup a Protein Skimmer and the new EcoTech EcoSmart Driver

Buy Prodibio BioKit Nano Reef and get Prodibio Reef Booster Nano FREE!

3 Marc Weiss Coral Food and Supplement Specials

Blue Life Specials found here

Azoo Aquarium Additive Specials

20% off PE Freshwater Mysis Shrimp EXPIRES 4/6

$120 off Sera Marin Water Conditioner Kit Components 1-7 w/ Marin Aqua-Test Kit EXPIRES 4/6

30% off Hydor Koralia Nano, 1, 2 & 3 Pumps/Powerheads EXPIRES 4/6

53% off Aquarium Pharmaceuticals RENA LG100 Automatic Fish Feeder (instant rebate plus $15 mail-in rebate) EXPIRES 8/31

50% off Giesemann T5 Retro Kits EXPIRES 4/6

50% off Alpine Corp Flexible PVC Pipe Roll EXPIRES 4/6

That's it for now, to keep up to date with our current offerings sign up for the Newsletter and get notices on Specials, Coupon codes and info "How to's" Only at Marine

Until next time ... as a friend of mine always says "Fish Out" :fish1:


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