MarinePure Ceramic Biomedia Plate


New member
Does anybody use this? I am thinking of getting a block to go in the sump to free up some space in a 40b for some frag racks. Anybody local have some?

MarinePure Ceramic Biomedia Plate.
I run two of the 8x8x4 blocks in my 156 Oceanic Quarantine / Frag tank.

I also have about a 1.5" - 2" sand bed in the display.

My nitrates are running very low (0.1 PPM) after the cycle. The cycle went very fast too - no diatom bloom. No Green Hair Algae either. I've got Cyano now that is retreating based on normal husbandry.

The only sources I know are on-line.

there is a long thread here: about it's use - the possibly that Aluminum may be detrimental to some softies like mushrooms and leathers.

It's unknown if the blocks are releasing materials that are detrimental to softies though.
Just ordered one off Amazon they has the best price that I found. D and F had a better price but they were on back order.
I made an eggcrate basket that goes up against one side of my fuge and holds about 30 of the 1.5" balls stacked in a single layer bottom to top.. Don't know if it's helping but doesn't take up much space and gives pods another place to hide. :)
I order all kinds of stuff from them. Usually check out item in store and if cheaper on Amazon I order from them. Plus I like the Prime instant video!!
I love Prime - the 99 bucks is a small price compared to the time & gas saved. I order stuff 2-3 times a week! And yeah, that's where I got my MarinePure balls too :)