Maroon clown and new anemone


Active member
Ive had this maroon clown for 2 months now with out an anemone, I just picked up this nice rose bulb anemone from CRF Sunday. This clown never went for the shrimp before and now when I just fed he stole the shrimp from the trigger and took it to the anemone. I guess he bonded fast with the anemone. Ive had clowns in the past that hosted in anemones but Ive never saw them feed it.
I have a clown and a BTA in both of my tanks and they both do that. They take good care of their anemones. Mine are always tidying up around the anemone too, moving rocks and blowing sand away with their tails when it piles up too close.
but the thing is the clown has never touched the shrimp. now all of a sudden he goes and steals it from the trigger to feed the anemone thats only been in the for a day now.
If you feed shrimp, they'll take the shrimp to the anemone. If you drop in pieces of silverside, they'll take that over to it.