MARS activity


Reef Guru
I have shared this before, but as the new year rolls in, I wanted to post this again. As most of you can see, there is not much activity on the RC forum here. That is because most of our members post questions, photos, information and other communications on our Facebook page. The MARS Facebook page gets so much more activity than any of these Memphis area forums on RC do. It is a constant flow of posting every day. If I remember correctly, we have about 150-200 members on Facebook, many who post regularly. Just a heads up for those that might be looking on here and wondering where all our activity is going on. We have done prize giveaways on there as well, and will conduct most information rollouts on FB as well. It appears that with new social media, FB has become the preferred and easier way for people to post and communicate due to mainstream use of smartphones and tablets. RC has a wealth of info on the other boards and forums on here, and I highly suggest reading and learning on the other forums here on RC. But as related to our business here, FB has been the biggest growing force for us. Here is a link, hope to see you there if you have not already joined: