Massive Skimmer/Sump/Pumps/Ball valves for the taking


New member
I know I haven't posted here before....but I'm hoping this equipment won't go to waste. So I'm on my way home this afternoon and our neighborhood pet store (which unfortunately closed) is being renovated into an art gallery. I know the pet store had to come to some lease termination term and the property in the store was just left. Today, a crew came in and removed all of the equipment which was running the store's display tank set up......and the workers placed all of the equipment into a large dumpster sitting curb side! I took a few pics with my camera phone (will try and post below) and inspected everything I could see easily. Everything appears to have been removed carefully and was just placed into this dumpster. I couldn't believe it myself. I have absolutely no need for any gear of this size and scale (trust me I already tried to convince the wife that a 500 gal display would look great in our 1800 sf Apt), but thought someone here may be able to use it. So, this stuff is sitting in a bright yellow dumpster at the corner of 16th and Michigan Ave. in Chicago. Hope someone can use it.
Forgot to mention there was some various electrical equipment also....switches, uv sterilizer, massive pump (in one of the pics didn't get brand).
Thought about taking it and storing it for later.....but something about an almost 6ft tall skimmer doesn't fit the decor in our place. Living in the city = no storage. I figured that if you had the coin for a tank that required this type of equip. then you wouldn't need to dumpster dive for used stuff. Just thought maybe someone lived here and would have interest. I'm not positive about why it was left......but, I know the owner of the space, who happens to be an attorney, and I figure when the pet store broke the lease she decided to lock down the space and keep all the equip they were using. Obviously the crew setting up the new art gallery has no idea what this "stuff" is, and had a big A#$ dumpster dropped on site to dispose of it.
Yeah dude, put it in the woods or something, give me the directions and ill get it in a couple years. But seriously, that skimmer is worth like $1000 or more. maybe 5k. keep it for a month tops, someone is bound it go for it.
wow, thats an RK2 skimmer, very big money, probably at least 10k used worth of stuff thrown out...
Hope someone picked it up
The RK2 skimmer is around 10K USED... I'd pay for it to have it shipped to my house if I had ANY plans to NEED something that big...
Checked the dumpster this AM and someone snagged the skimmer. It was certainly a nice score. It seemed to be in pretty good condition. Hope it went to someone on this board.