Maxima clam and bubble tip help


New member
I got some stuff this weekend and I got all the SPS in the tank and its doing great but the maxima clam and the bubble tip is nt doing good. The clam seems ok other then not opening completely. It's barely opening and the closing again. I don't know if its just acclimating or what. The anenome has planted it's foot as far as I can see. But doesn't seem to be doing well at all. I turned my lights down but it hasn't seemed to help. Can't figure out what's going on. Parameters are perfect. I acclimated them with the drip method very slowly. Temp is 78. They're both getting about medium flow.
Hard to know without more information , but typically maxima clams and anemones like high light. Maybe not enough light?
I have dimmable LEDs that are custom. There's definitely enough lol if I turn it all the way up there is more then enough. Just did a water change so maybe that'll help
Probably needs time to adjust to new environment. When I added a new anemone to my tank, it split after 4 days. Crazy stuff, ha
nems dont always fill back up with water right away.. run some carbon like mentioned above ^ and monitor things. Taking a leap and fiddling with stuff just because he "doesnt look right" usually never works out for the better. good water, good light, good flow, the rest will take care of itself.

It should acclimate. try direct feeding if you have not already.
Yea I've left them both alone for awhile and the anenome wasn't doing so great so I took him out a couple nights ago but I came home yesterday and my dwarf lion Nd tang died. I think it's because the anenome because every parameter is fine. Do I need to water change? I've never had this happen.
Dang. Sorry to hear. Yes, I definitely would. Especially if you haven't in awhile. 10-20% should be just fine.