Maxima clam issue...


New member
Picked up this maxima clam last sunday at a frag swap. It's prly 6-8" blue maxima. Problem is it has only opened up about 1/2". It reacts to light/shadows, it's attached to the bottom, just won't open up. The guy I got it from said it's an ora clam. I don't think i have any fish that would bother it. Any ideas?

Tank Is a 120 with a 4' reefbreeder led light. Livestock is, yellow, kole tang, pair of clowns, pj cardnial, green clown goby, starry blenny
it looks like a goner if its mantle isnt out more. if its been like this for the past few days, its a goner for sure.
Is it attached to the bottom or to a frag plate? Typically the suggestions are light adjustments or position it in more/less flow (compared to where it is now). Since you don't have water parameters of where it came from, it's gonna be tough to tell if there is something in the water irritating it.

Ensure no fish are pestering it. Saw a post a few days back where a reefer built a small cage around a coral or clam to keep a fish from nipping at it. In the end he ended up getting rid of the clam because when the cage was taken off a week or two later the fish still pestered it.

Good luck.
Might need more light. My maxima all love being halfway up the tank attached to rocks. Never on sand bed.

I have 8 bulb ati hybrid and reefbrites. The maximas get about 400-500 par

These guys love the bottom corner of the tank, the also get indirect flow from an mp40 with their own a160 on top of them haha

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My maxima seems to prefer to be partly under an overhang. I have reefbreeders too. I think they ramp up to a max of about 70%

I second the idea of a cage of some sort , maybe rigged out of one of those little plastic baskets that strawberries or other produce come in.