MAY 2014, Reefers of the Month(ROTM)--"The Awesome Squad"!!

MAY 2014, Reefers of the Month(ROTM)--"The Awesome Squad"!!

Wow, a great story with a group effort. A much deserved winner's for Reefer's Of The Month.
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hi my name is Lucia and i am in Rutherford's 3rd grade classroom and i was wondering what makes sea urchins move. please come back to me and thanks for all your great comments for me and my classmates. i really would like it if you would answer my question about how sea urchins move. today i was also killing the bad eminences it was fun when you have someone named sherell and he loves to work on the aquarium his favorite is to kill bad eminences :ide


Lucia: strooper:

Hello Lucia,
I used to have a black spine sea urchin in my tank. When the urchin was on the front tank glass I was then able to see his bottom side where its mouth is. The urchin has tube feet that inflates & deflates with water which helps push it slowly across the surface.
hi my name is Lucia and i am in Rutherford's 3rd grade classroom and i was wondering what makes sea urchins move. please come back to me and thanks for all your great comments for me and my classmates. i really would like it if you would answer my question about how sea urchins move. today i was also killing the bad eminences it was fun when you have someone named sherell and he loves to work on the aquarium his favorite is to kill bad eminences :ide


Lucia: strooper:


So its like this: urchins have lots of spines, but think of them like little hands. They can move the spines, lay them flat to get into tight places, and help poke food and move it to their mouth. They discard their spines regularly, some through new growth, some that come off accidentally, and sometimes they drop spines if they are stressed or uncomfortable. Just like when we get sick, we might throw up. Urchins throw up...spines!

Although they look like a ball with spikes, they have a mouth on the body. This is how they eat: they are like a sucker fish, and they stick to the glass and rocks, and eat the algae and leftover food that they can get.

In addition to their spines (little hands) they have little sucker apendges called tube feet. These look like little thin worms that come out of their bodies. They have little suckers at the end, and they are hollow. They use these to hold on to walls and rocks, and also use these to help them move!

So recap: they have a mouth, which they use to suck food and hold on to rocks and glass. They have spines, which they use to move and get food to their mouth. They have little tube feet, which they use to move and hold on to rocks and things.

I had a short spine urchin, and he was lots of fun! Although, with his tube feet and mouth, if he was holding on to something, there was NO way I could get him to let go! His grip was STRONG!

I am glad you kids are all learning about the ocean! It is a wonderful place and a great way to learn and apply it to every day life! I am eagar to see how your tank keeps growing!


(3-year-old Sunday School teacher!)
Very cool and inspiring all the way around. Congrats Mr. Rutherford and kids on a well-deserved ROTM! Awesome Squad indeed. :thumbsup:
What a great story! The pics of the tank, teacher and classroom full of kids is great.

Since crowd-sourcing is so popular now, is there a way we can crowd-fund some of their projects? It seems a shame the teacher has to spend his own money on this!
What a great story! The pics of the tank, teacher and classroom full of kids is great.

Since crowd-sourcing is so popular now, is there a way we can crowd-fund some of their projects? It seems a shame the teacher has to spend his own money on this!

Brandon here.

Thanks again to everyone on RC for your encouragement. I wouldn't put so much of my time and money into this project if I wasn't completely convinced that it has and will continue to impact kids at my school in a profound way.

Tomorrow I was able to obtain another 120 gallon system from Craigslist. I'm moving into an new classroom, bringing a total 5 tanks to our school. Just the new plumbing and associated hardware alone was $250. We're sure to need more in the future.

A crowd-sourcing fund would be amazing and hope to launch one soon to raise money to purchase chillers for some of the tanks. I've very concerned with the temperature of my school over the summer.

This said, one of the best ways to support my project is to email our sponsors and thank them for donating. I'm hoping that if they continue to see the public support of what I'm doing, they will continue to donate.

It is not my intention to leave anyone out (everything is appreciated), but a short list of the donors are:

Hanna Instruments
Tampa Bay Saltwater
Ecotech Marine
Diablo Corals
Quality Marine
Reef Dynamics
LRS Reef Frenzy

Just a quick email telling them that you know they donated to my project. Makes a huge difference.
Hi ,

My name is Virginia , A student in Brandon Rutherford's class in IL. You might have seen my posts or the letter I wrote to everyone on Reef Central , which is on our classes sticky. If you have not seen our letters or would like to know more about our class , go to our sticky . It has students work and letters , and is called "The Awesome Squad Sticky " .

Although I can not wait till school ends , I love summer break , I am really going to miss our aquarium lots , My friends in this class , Mr.Rutherford and the fun things we do with him , and definitely Reef Central !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have loved being able to post on Reef Central , and will miss posting my questions and getting the answers . I really hope our teacher next year will let us have an aquarium and let us post on Reef Central .

Sincerely ,

Hi my name is Lucia and I am in Rutherford's 3rd grade classroom and i was wondering what makes sea urchins move. please come back to me and thanks for all your great comments for me and my classmates. i really would like it if you would answer my question about how sea urchins move. today i was also killing the bad eminences it was fun when you have someone named Sherell and he loves to work on the aquarium his favorite is to kill bad eminences :ide


Lucia: strooper:
Hello Reef Central!

I'm starting to make summer plans for our three reef tanks and I'm very concerned about temperatures at my school. The tanks are not supported by the maintenance staff and they just told me they won't turn on the AC for the building over the summer just to keep my tanks cool. Temperatures in the classroom can reach up to 90 degrees and I'd like to purchase three 1/4hp trade wind chillers. After spending 25% of my salary this year on the project my wife is drawing the line and I'm finally reaching out to the reefing community for a financial donation. Please donate and/or share this link:

Together we can make sure that all of the corals, fish, and other critters that the kids worked so hard to care for stay alive until they come back in the summer.

Thanks for your support,


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That's wonderful ..I congratulate for making a difference in the kids life not just now but for their future thank you...keep up the great work..
Congrats to all of you! I love kids because they are so open to new ways of thinking and I believe they are our salvation to this mess we've made. Perhaps you have influenced the next great breakthrough. Great job and keep on reefing.:spin1: