May Meeting Recap


New member
Great turn out! Thank you to everyone who attended! I have a list of those who attended! Sorry if I missed any one.

Jason - JMKRCZ
Lisa - Sunfish11
Brian D. - Chris (ha ha)
Jeff - Firebird
Ryan - ZehrenR
Ron & Ellen - Limpit
Steve - Just Pets Manager
Steve Meyer
Michelle - Nellie54914
Craig - From Just Pets

Thanks again to Craig & Steve for allowing me to host the meeting at Just Pets. I had a great time! Love my new Ricordia and hairy mushroom!

Thanks Again!

Had a great time talking to everyone at the meeting.
Craig has a very nice store and it was awesome of him to allow us to have the meeting there, thanks Craig.

Steve, thanks for the behind the scenes tour. I am working on getting some caps for those biotubes from a friend in the water dept. I'll let you know what I find.

And a big thank you to Denise for puting the meeting all togather.:D
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...was great to see so many people turn out. I missed the behind the scences tour though. Tammy has been strubbling with back problems, and Rebecca, (as everyone saw) is not cutting any slack. She just keeps running, and running....

Thank you for setting everything up. And thank you to Craig for hosting. That sure was swell of him to do it, AND provide the food!

Limpit, everything's going great so far, I dialed my lights back to 5 hours a day, Zoo's were opening last night already.

I meant to go and completely forgot until Sunday night cuz my kid wanted to go to an art fair that day DOH!
