McCosker's Flasher Wrasse (Paracheilinus mccoskeri)


I don't understand how to capture fish in photography. They just move too fast for me. x_x

I don't understand how to capture fish in photography. They just move too fast for me. x_x

DragKnee - Thanks. I helps to have a fast camera and good That one picture is one of about 20 I took. The great thing with digital is you can take as many as you need and cross your
His eyes are so big. Is he still young? He's adorable!

Whiterabbitrage - They are pretty big in person as well. It's funny how animals "grow" into their bodies. He has always had big eyes...I guess better to see predators in the wild Right now he is not a full 2 inches yet. I think he still has a ways to go :).