mean angel question? Doesn't like moorish.


New member
I have a lovely 180 gallon aquarium and it has been set up for some time, I think near a year. I have had an emporer in the tank for about two or three weeks and am now adding a moorish to the tank. The emperor is being rather aggressive towards it even after a week. What can you do to calm the emperor down? Are their any treatments you can give to the tank or pull the fish out or the like? The emperor is a juvenille and is about 3 or 4 inches long.
Angels can be agressive. It is in their nature. I would consider a plan to remove one of them.
Either move the rocks around, or you can try taping pictures of other emperors around the outside of the tank to distract the angel.
I would not put the Moorish in the tank with the Emp. He will nip all the long fins on him. Stress him to the point of him not eating and dying.