"melting" umbrella

Chemistry Guy

New member
I have an umbrella mushroom in my reef tank, and it doesn't appear to be doing so well. It seems to have lost all support and is just slopped down on the live rock. I've had this particular mushroom for over 6 months and this is the first time its ever had a problem.

I'll try to give some info on my setup:

29 gal tank, 20 gal refugium with algae. Halide/actinic lighting (only 3 weeks old, could be the problem?), Skimmer.

Currently no fish.

Xenia, Green star, Frogspawn, Red mushrooms, green ricordea, Bird's nest, Montipora, Trumpet, Xooanthid.

All my other corals are doing fine, no signs of stress.

Other than the lighting being too strong for it, I can't think of anything else. It is near the bottom of the tank, and to the side, so it isn't under direct halide. Any ideas?

P.S. I dose with Kent Marine Coral-Vite and Kent Marine PhytoPlex.