Members Tanks

ok my wife and i are new to this but are completely hooked. actually bought our tank from mitch almost a year and a half ago. i think this club is a great idea for this area.

You could drillholes and use zip ties as well to hold the rock together but the marine epoxy would probably be better.
Was sorta hoping something was alive in that sand because when I was sifting it around I kept getting jabbed at by something but it must have been a shell.

I ended up moving them around and finding a more stable spot. Initially, they were all being held up by each other, so if I moved one, they would have all toppled down.


Cycling started today. Salinity crashed ): Went from 1.024 to 1.020. Ammonia is high, phosphates are high, high range ph is good, alkalinity is good, ca is low, and nitrate/ite is at 0.
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(: One spot. I'm trying to get a better picture but he's in the corner, falling in love with his reflection.


and just for size:
He's gotta be 3/4" to 1", I've seem tomato clowns bigger!
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awesome new addition. I always like foxface and rabbit fish. Make sure to feed it nori as it is a herbivore and its main diet should be algae.
We ended up getting him from Aqua Life in El Paso (because it gave me an excuse to go eat ) and the guy, I think Charlie?, gave me frozen brine shrimp plus and some red marine algae with garlic for him.

He's really funny about it, half the time he gets distracted by that handsome Foxface on the side of the tank and forgets there's food.
I like your selection of fish. A Coral beauty was one of my first fish. When you eventually start with some polyps you will need to keep an eye on him as he may nip at coral. You will have to keep him fat and happy to try and prevent this and keep an watchful eye.
So far everyone is fat. They get fed 3x a day, may bump it back down to 2 since no one seems to really want the pellet/flake lunch.