Membership info ?


Yep,that one
Hi all,
Wondering if I can apply for a NCPARS membership at the Williamsport swap, or should I do it before hand on the NCPARS website? I will just get the family membership as my son is starting to catch the saltwater bug too. Has his own frag tank with ecoxotic led's on it already, and will be looking for some frags at the swap.

I figure it about time to support my local club,lol. I have met a bunch of you guys already, just have yet to join.

Thanks !
i think if you really want to i think you can do it online but most people just register at a swap since there usually about the same time each year it make renewing easier.
I registered online a couple weeks ago. It was quick and effortless. Plus it split up my budget so that I can have a couple bucks to spend.