Merging two tanks


New member
Hi everyone
we're not brand new to the hobby but just looking for a little advice

we currently are running two tanks
a 135 gallon and a 55 gallon
the 55 is from a friend that was getting out of the hobby so we just took that one in about 2 months ago;

my question is regarding the possibility of moving most of the livestock from the 55 into our 135. i'm concerned with fish compatibility and or over stocking our bigger tank. (or if anyone can think of any other issues pls bring it up). i'm going to attach pictures as well as a list of livestock for each tank; i'd appreciate any thoughts or advice anyone has.. TIA

55 gallon:
*6 line wrasse
*starry blenny
*large clownfish (not sure what kind of someone could tell me?) (he's currently hosting the nem in this tank)
*powder blue tang (we were planning on moving him regardless; we know the 55 is too small for him)
*XL damsel (won't be putting him in the 135 will likely rehome him)

135 gallon: (mixed reef)
*magnificent fox face
*yellow tang
*blue hippo tang
*midas blenny
*small lawnmower blenny
*pair of ocellaris clownfish (they don't host the anemones in the tank they usually stay toward the left side)
*pair of bartlett's anthias
*4 small chromis

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That is a Clarkii clownfish.. I would rehome the damsel, sixline and possibly the powder blue. If you rearrange rock work to break up established territories in the 135g you might be able to have the powder blue and hippo in a 135g together.
You have a really nice 135, so I would hate to screw that up.
Compatibility issues I see:

Clarkii clown with your clowns
Starry blenny with your lawnmower blenny
Powder blue tang gets pretty big, active, and aggressive for a 135

That basically leaves you with the sixline. I would only keep that if you love six line wrasses. They can be a pain, although your current stock should hold their own just fine.
I agree that 135 looks awful happy & sweet,
Just a suggestion but if you have the room why not make the 55 a specialty tank maybe, just remove the fish & go a different avenue with it?
Ive got 2 totally different tanks & really like the complete diversity.
yes will definitely rehome the damsel and the clarkii clown as well i was worried about him getting to my smaller clowns. will have to think a little more about which of the others we really want to keep..

and YES we actually were considering doing something for the 55 but im just worried about the extra maintenance we currently have both these tanks running along with a brackish 55 and a freshwater 30.. think it's time to say goodbye to the freshwater to focus more on our newer tanks..

are there "œspecialty tanks" you would suggest that aren't too difficult? what are you keeping in your 2? i feel like we're pretty limited with the size of the smaller one.

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4 tanks, you are a busy bee.
My tanks are nanos, one is LPS,SPS with 5 fish & the other is all soft corals & 2 fish.
In the past tho ive had red belly Piranhas ( was living dangerously ) and even a Nurse shark at one time...... that outgrew my tank fast on squid dinners.
Looking at that 55 if it was mine id remove all the soft corals period & add a bit more rock to make a pyramid towards the center then go mostly SPS with it since its a tall tank with the most light loving at the top & the mellower easy corals like pavona, Stylos, etc twards the center & let it all grow out. I really like SPS now that ive had a taste of them. Many hard LPS are nice too, so long as they don't have long sweeper tentacles that would irritate the SPS or worse fast.
....your two clownfish in your 135 might gang up on the one you will introduce from your 55....ummmm....I think three's a crowd for your Tangs: fighting might ensue between your Powder Blue and Hippo in particular....