mesh mod asm g3?


New member
i wanna know if anyone has mesh modded there g3 and what were the results thinking of doing it to mine can anyone point me in the right direction on how to do so ... pics appreciated.....thanks
check out cubano build thread he has 2 g3's i believe that he mesh modded with some pics, you can prolly get some ideas from there
ok i see it thanks...whats the name of the pad that they use ....then just drill little holes and hold it down with fishing much of an improvement do u get
i still have plenty of the stuff if your up in broward and want to meet up.5$ for a 8X12 piece

i meshmodded my pump, made a huge diference. i want to meshmod my h&s skimmer, but im a bit scared only bcause the pumps costs so much! heard alot of good things tho.
bawla, I still want to pick up a piece from you. Will you be at the frag swap? Are you interested in trading any SPS frags for the enkamat?
hey i have a crappy coralife super skimmer what could i do to it to make it run better i was just thing of replacing it

sorry dude dont mean to take over your thread just this quick question
u my want to make the rec mod to here is mine:)