Metal Halide fixtures and blubs for sale

Greetings and salutations:
I have some items I wish to sale. Two used MH fixtures with 250W ballasts for $150 and 2 XM unused 250W 15K blubs for $80.
Here are the pictures:


both fixtures are 150? or 150 each... man i wish someone had been selling something like this when i got my halide last year...

still sounds tempting...
Yeah. Definitely a great deal. I'm even considering asking for a split of it to run a 20k halide in between my current 2x250w SE 10ks. I hope you sell soon. Good luck!
metal halides

metal halides

dobly_1999, I got the lights yesterday. They arived great except 1 bulb was a casualty. Thanks for shipping so quick.