Metal Halide/LED setup help


New member
Need advice with picking a MH bulb.

Just put a light setup together with 2 x 250 w Phoenix 14k bulbs in Lumen Bright fixtures. I also have 3x XR15w Radion gen 4 pros in the setup that are only being used for the blues. My ballasts are cheap (Odyssea) although are HQI.

The problem is that I want more blues. A LOT more blue. Even with the radions on 100%, the phoenix 14k overpowers them. I am going to try a ballast from a friend which is not HQI and therefore should give a more blue look. What is that best superblue MH bulbs? I was considering:

Giesemann Megachrome 21k
Hamilton 20k
Ushio 20k

Back in the day when I ran metal halide lights the Radion 20K bulb was by far my favorite bulb, but it looked warmer than 20K to me, more like 15K. It sure did make my corals pop however. If you really want a deep blue look I suspect the Giesemann Megachrome 21k bulb would be your best bet.
My Hamilton 400 watt 20k bulb looks visually very similar to the PHX14K profile on my XR30G4 Pros. It's the only bulb that I have experience with, and I assume they sent me the correct one.