Need advice with picking a MH bulb.
Just put a light setup together with 2 x 250 w Phoenix 14k bulbs in Lumen Bright fixtures. I also have 3x XR15w Radion gen 4 pros in the setup that are only being used for the blues. My ballasts are cheap (Odyssea) although are HQI.
The problem is that I want more blues. A LOT more blue. Even with the radions on 100%, the phoenix 14k overpowers them. I am going to try a ballast from a friend which is not HQI and therefore should give a more blue look. What is that best superblue MH bulbs? I was considering:
Giesemann Megachrome 21k
Hamilton 20k
Ushio 20k
Just put a light setup together with 2 x 250 w Phoenix 14k bulbs in Lumen Bright fixtures. I also have 3x XR15w Radion gen 4 pros in the setup that are only being used for the blues. My ballasts are cheap (Odyssea) although are HQI.
The problem is that I want more blues. A LOT more blue. Even with the radions on 100%, the phoenix 14k overpowers them. I am going to try a ballast from a friend which is not HQI and therefore should give a more blue look. What is that best superblue MH bulbs? I was considering:
Giesemann Megachrome 21k
Hamilton 20k
Ushio 20k