Metal Halide Q!


New member
It seems to me that there aren't very many people using 20k bulbs. Why is that?

It seems to me that using 10k and having to add other bulbs to supplement what is missing is more work not to mention probably more expensive.

What is the general consensus from all RC'rs?
I personally run 14k Phoenix bulbs but I have double ended HQI MH's. I have no other supplementation because these bulbs give off an excellant color. Most people use 10k because it gives great growth, its just too white for me. 20k on the other hand is a very slow grower for corals but gives off a very blue/purple tint. That is why people have 10k with VHO actinics because its somewhat the best of both worlds. It all comes down to your preferance. I eventually want to get VHO's just to add some more light to my tank, and to get that nice glow in the evenings when my MH's turn off, that will really make the greens pop out. Hope this helps you a little bit.
20k is slower growth but better color due to its blue tint.
10k is bright white possibley even a hint of yellow and good for growth but doest look as nice or make corals stand out as much.
14k is the best of both worlds right in the middle. Hint of blue and decent growth. Its all a personal thing. I too have 14k's. Also i have seen 14k bulbs (different brands) that look like 10ks and some look like 20k's. Alot depends on brand.