Mg additive for Ca reactor


New member
Did i not hear somewhere that there is a Mg additive to be place in calcium reactors to keep Mg at a good level? What is it and where do I get it?
where do you get dolomite?. besides the video store

also have you used the mag granules? it sounds great but...

anybody have experience with either?
Yes it is. Some people have found it [dolomite] at local nurseries.

Lots of folks are using the grotech magnesium granules. A small amount on top of your reactor media will help to buffer your system. Be careful! know your magnesium demands well and add small amounts until you reach the desired amount needed to keep your system stable.

You can get the Grotech Mg granules at

I just got some Ultra Mag from Fauna Marin in Germany. It look's to be a very pure product. At least visually compared to regular dolomite.