MH blub color variation


New member
I just setup my newly purchased 250W DE MH setup using Hamilton 14k bulbs. I have the pendants raised high with a white wall behind them and I noticed that the bulbs do not have the same color. One has more of a blue tint than the other bulb.
Is this common?
They are driven by a sunlight supply HQI dual ballast and housed in RO III pendants. I have no other lights so the difference in bulb color is noticable in the tank.
Do the higher K bulbs have more color variation compared to say 10K or lower?

We see some color differences in some of the higher kelvin bulbs that are not german made. Usually the german lamps like Ushio, Geissman, etc are very stable in color. Hamilton is not a german made lamp, but has been above average in quality though. So normally they should look the same.

Is the bulb very new though? It often has a burn in period, so one bulb could be burning in faster then the other. So i would run them a couple of days. If you still have the problem, please contact us again. We can exchange them. Probably changing out both would be best, since we wouldn't know which one is actually off a little.

Yes they are both brand new and yesterday was the first day using them. I'll give them a few days to burn in and see how they look.
Its been a week and there is a little less difference, but still significant enough difference to notice. One bulb looks whiter than expected for their rating. Here are two photos that show the color difference against a white wall and in the tank. The whiter bulb appears on the right side.