MH in canopy, looking to add LED or T5's


Active member
Okay so I am thinking about going with this tank and it comes with a canopy that has MH's built in with fans. The canopy is 72x27x11 I have attached the pictures of the canopy to this. The MH's that is has are these:

except these are 20" instead of 16 so there isnt much room to play with as you can see in the pictures. I however would like my tank to be SPS only and have great growth and color. I also love the blue look throughout the tank. Also what bulbs would you recommend for the MH?

I do not think I would be able to fit any T5's anywhere in this hood but I think I would be able to put some LED's in there varied throughout the hood. However I am horrible when it comes to this and I would greatly appreciate any thoughts on what to do with this set up.

after doing some more research, I would like to add 2 T5's on each side. Whether that be 4 36" T5s on each side or only 2 60" T5s on each side.

I am wondering what is needed to add these to the setup as I know nothing about this unfortunately but am very interested in adding these.

I found these but I was hoping that there would be a more cost efficent way, maybe thats not possible with this setup.