MH/LED Comparison


Active member
I didnt want to hijack the last thread but here are two pictures with the same bad camera and same settings(since i cant change any settings ). Other than re-arranging corals and difference in coral color im not sure if anyone would be able to tell the difference between one picture with the 400W halides i ran or my new LED's..


It's hard to tell on a picture, especially with the flash reflecting on the glass, but I'm going to say the top is the MH. The corals look better.

The LED is the second picture. Although the pictures are really bad, i think its a decent representation of how close the lights are in spectrum only varying in "pop" of some corals. If someone is to view it in person 99% wouldnt have a clue im running LEDS

all of my corals look amazing! I moved a really large piece of pocillopora and bleached some of the tips from the sudden move, but oddly enough they are starting to get their color back and now its going from a brownish green to a neon green/orange which is really cool. My growth is still exactly the same, however some corals grew quicker under the MH and others grow quicker under the LED. My corals are picking up alot more flourescence if that makes sense, the pigmentaton is really changing to a visibly neon colors. I stil have the same poly extension on all of my corals as well. One thing i have noticed is the increase in coraline. My parameteres dont change i always keep them very stable so i know my calcium/alk/mag levels havent changed over the switch period, but it almost seems the LED lighting is really making the purple appear hardcore in my tank( maybe im just crazy) I really wish i could take good pictures but i dont have a good camera. Maybe ill try tonight . My tank is 31" deep and the LEDS are mounted about 9" from the surface and im growing acropora on the very bottom of my tank. My clams are also very happy and i even have a purple H. Magnifica anemone( which they say needs super strong lighting at the very top of the tank) who has been more than happy living at the bottom of the tank on my rockwork. so that must say something about the light penetration. I couldnt be happier with these lights! Ill post pictures tonight