MH retro fit with tank brace?


New member
I plan on getting a 175 MH retro fit kit and mounting it in a canopy for my 37 gallon bow tank. The problem is that I have a brace in the middle of the tank. Should i remove the brace because it would affect the Mh lighting? Any ideas? thanks alot
do not remove the brace, or else the glass will bow once filled with water. most people like myself just deal with the small shadow. if the lighting is high enough off the water, the shadow will not be too noticeable. i assume that you are doing 1x175w... if your doing 2 then just place one over each side...
i would run the light with the reflector opened to where the end of the bulb is pointing to the front of the tank. this way the reflector will distribute the light as far possible across the tank. luckily for you, in a smaller tank, the light will be just fine. adding some vho, or pc lighting as supplemental light, will also help to reduce your shadow prob. or you can put the mh on one side and just put your light needing corals and such under that one side. good luck...