MH & VHO for sale


New member
I have 4 - 250 watt MH 10k bulbs, electronic ballasts and 1 - 4 bulb 80 watt vho super actinics with electronic ballast. The bulbs are about a year old but you should have seen the corals under them. They have plenty of life still.

All for $875 or I will part them out for $200 each. I can bring them to the next meeting Tuesday night.



I will be leaving Friday morning and will be back Saturday night so I will not be able to answer until I get back.
Bump this up. They are still available. I will take $175 for a ballast, socket with reflector and the bulb. That is for any of the MH or the vho. Needs to be a retro fit.
ill take the icecap ballast but i dont want the rest of the parts... just ballast and marness... well dont realy need harness...

whats the price for that?

ill take all the icecaps you have
I want to sell it as a package because I have no other vho lighting.

I also don't use vho's with any of my tanks. If I decide to use it on a tank I want to have something that I can use.
you only have 1 icecap ballast right? how old is it?

if it is less then 9 years ill take it

but could i pick it up somtime monday or tuesday
i can never make it to anyof the meettings
I thought I had the Icecap sold. But it didn't happen. I will sell it for $150.

I will sell any of the set ups, MH or VHO for $150 complete: 1 used bulb, ballast, fixture and reflector(MH only).
vho system. ill take it.
for 150 can i come by and pick it up monday ? or tues?

i wanted it for my self but looks liek i will be passing it on to a friend who is getting into the hobby on a budget ^^ gotta getem hooked lol

if you still have the mh i am thinking of taking one of those for a small prop tank possiably a 2nd one for a lr bin at work.. dunno tho

They are about a year old. They were purchased at the same time as the vho. Vue technolgy. I saw the paperwork on them somewhere. I will try and find it.


I should be there Mon and Tue. I do have some apt's but they should not be long. I will take it off of the board Mon am. If I am not there Jessi can help you.
The VHO and 2 MH are still for sale .

$150 each or I will give $10 off for each piece if purchased together. Buy 2 get them for 140.00 each etc...